This site, started in mid-2012, and first placed on the Internet in February of 2013, includes both original articles as well as pages on individual antiques associated with the history of science, and microscopy in particular. It is intended as a reference, and a resource, to those interested in historical science artifacts especially microscopes and microscope accessories. It not only contains instruments still in the founder's collection, but also some instruments formerly in that collection, especially if rare, unique or of special interest. It also now contains many instruments from other collectors, who have generously offered to let me share their instruments as well as my own. Not only are very old antiques included, but some more recent instruments if pertinent, unusually well made, or of interest for another reason. The founder of this site uses a microscope in his profession almost every day, and so the subject has more than a passing interest to him. Please
note this is a continual work-in-progress so certain parts of the site are still under construction, and will be upgraded as time permits.
The authors are grateful to their many fellow microscope enthusiasts who have been instrumental in improving this site through editing, writing dedicated pages, donating instruments, and/or providing large amounts of additional information. These include Dr. Joseph Zeligs, Dr Jurriaan de Groot, James Solliday, Dan Kile, Dr. Yuval Goren, Dr. Brian Stevenson, Paul Ferraglio, Tom Schwan, Dr Frank Belinskey, Timo Mappes, Jeroen Meeusen, Howard Link, Allan Wissner, Alan de Haas, the late George Vitt, Steve Gill, the late Dr John Field, and especially the late Dr Brian Bracegirdle. We are also indebted to the members of the Quekett Microscopical Club, and many others. To all of you, and the very long list of others I did not mention, we remain forever grateful.
There are a few conventions we adhere to, and you may wish to note when you read about these instruments. First, the side of the instrument refers the side as seen from the rear of the instrument-the side closest to the user when the microscope is in use. Second, when a signature is quoted and is on multiple lines, a coma is used to separate the lines in the quotation. For example 'James Swift, London' illustrates the signature of 'James Swift' on one line, followed by the word 'London' on the next line.
As far as condition is concerned, this is something we started to add only recently so it will not be found on the web pages for all instruments for some time.
There are many original articles on this site, with information often not found elsewhere, please consult them. If there is a term you are not familiar with, or would like more information about, please try my GLOSSARY. If the term is not defined there, you can search the internet or send me an email for a request to add it to the glossary.
APPRAISALS & RELATED INFORMATION: If you have an instrument you have a question about, or a microscope you would like to sell or trade, please contact us. Barry is always willing to answer a question related to any light microscope of almost any age or type, to the best of his abilities. BUT PLEASE be aware that his knowledge and references for microscopes which date to after about 1935 or so is limited, and he may not be able to help with those.
USED AND NEW MICROSCOPES: Please also note that I am NOT a used or new microscope dealer and, with the exception of McArthur-type Microscopes, we do NOT collect, buy or sell microscopes dating after the 1935 era. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME ABOUT A POST-1940 MICROSCOPE UNLESS IT IS A McARTHUR TYPE.
Please note that Barry may be interested in buying instruments from before 1940 or so, so if you have one to sell please contact him at He will give you his honest opinion and, if I am interested in buying it, he will offer you a price he considers to be fair and reasonable at the time, noting that values change over the years. If he does make you an offer, you are free to accept, decline, or counter the offer. Even if you are not interested in selling, we still welcome any reasonable inquiry, which we will respond to without charge, but please do not ask us to assess a large number of instruments, unless they are unusual, rare or you would like a paid professional appraisal. We would also be grateful for any additional information or illustrations you would be willing to share that might enhance the value of these pages. Please note that, being quite busy, we may not respond right away, so please be patient and we will get back to you.
Please be aware this is not a commercial site and the instruments pictured are generally not for sale, although some may have been sold in the past and are still listed on this site for their reference value. On rare occasions we may put an instrument up for sale, but not on this site. When we do sell, it is usually on or sometimes Ebay, though Ebay has become very expensive for sellers of late.
Note: Barry has a special interest in BULLOCH, SIDLE, and WATSON Microscopes and accessories and may be interested in purchasing some examples regardless of condition, for a price commensurate with the value and condition. If you have a Bulloch microscope with a serial number and it is not listed in my Bulloch Serial Number Table, even if you are not interested in selling it, please be kind enough to send us any images of it you might have and its number so we can improve our documentation of this maker's work. We will credit you or keep you anonymous as you may wish.
Please note that this site includes many 'articles'
which are original and not found elsewhere. Please note these, like the rest of the site are copyrighted, and may be freely used or linked but not reproduced without our permission.