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MAKER: Sidle &. Co

MODEL: No. 2

c. 1881

SIGNED:J. W. Sidle & Co, Lancaster, PA, ACME


AUTHOR: Barry Sobel, with the assistance of Brian Stevenson

Editor: Joseph Zeligs

The mechanical stage of the Acme No. 2 rotates on a ring calibrated in single degrees from 0 to 360, labeled every 10. sidle #2 microscope

The ring can be centered by the three capstan screws (blue arrows). A clutch (red arrows)in the front of the ring controls the ease with which the stage can rotate and can be used to lock its rotation at any degree of rotation: sidle #2 microscope

The stage has concentric controls oriented upwards. The stage has calibrations with verniers to indicate the precise location of a slide placed against the register. The register can be turned counterclockwise out of the way, and a hole in the knob contolling it can accept accessories such as a stage forceps. sidle #2 microscope