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Practicsl Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope, Intended for Beginners

Author: John Phin

SOLD WITH: The American Agricultural Compound Microscope

2nd Edition, 1877

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phin book The American Agriculturist Magazine, owned by the Orange Judd Company advertised various premiums either given to customers who could supply multiple subscriptions, or for payment. Among these premiums was the 'American Agricutural Compound microscope', first advertised in 1879. This microscope was apparently accompanied, at least on some occasions,by a 1877 book by John Phin entitled 'Practicsl Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope, Intended for Beginners' This little 180 page book, then in its second edition, offered practical advice and illustrations of various microscopes but did not include an illustration of the American Agriculturist Compound Microscope. An insert on the front cover explains how this book was substituted for a book specifically about the American Agriculturist Compound Microscope because of an illness afflicting Phin at the time and that additional written instructions about the Agriculturalist Compound Microscope accompanied the book.

The example of the book pictured above apparently belonged to a William P. Kochenour. A man by this name was born in 1848 and died in 1924. He graduated from the 'Hospital College of Medicine' of Louisville, KY in 1884(according to an obituary). He was born in and lived in Indiana. He therefore would have owned this book and an example of the early version of the American Agricultural Compound Microscope before he entered medical school. He was living in Rego IN when he died in 1924.